

Unconventional 2002 Art Gallery

Graphics competition entries from Manga-crazy artists Angel and Grisu!


[Photo: Angel and Grisu]

Angel, daughter of Unconventional's Lengenfeld local organizer, Mr V (Helmut Weidner), used PixArt 4 and Van Gogh for her pictures. Grisu used ArtWorx 2 and PixArt 4.


[Screen-shot: A1]

Angel 1.

[Screen-shot: A2]

Angel 2.

[Screen-shot: A3]

Angel 3: Winner.


[Screen-shot: Grisu 1]

Grisu 1.

[Screen-shot: Grisu 2]

Grisu 2.

[Screen-shot: Grisu 3]

Grisu 3.

[Screen-shot: Grisu 4]

Grisu 4.

[Screen-shot: Grisu 5]

Grisu 5.

Useful link


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MyAtari magazine - Feature #9, September 2002

Copyright 2002 MyAtari magazine